Creativity during Covid

Barriers to ministry? No!

Written by Nat and Sylvia Thomas

April 2021

    It’s likely that some of you have wondered what is happening with the ministry in Romania. We have some not-so-great news as well as great news. Covid has affected nearly every corner of the earth—no news there! But when it became evident that Covid would affect normal camp, there was “confusion” about if and how we could do any ministry. At one point people were not allowed out of their homes to buy food except on specific days—hard to hold a camp then! This was the “not-so-great-news”.

     After almost 20 years of camp, a summer without any camp was hard for all to accept, especially since this the place where youth have gotten their main spiritual input. But even though there have been stringent regulations in Romania that still get changed regularly, the good news is that we have been able to continue ministries, although in different ways. So, there has been some “consolidation” of outreaches. We will give you examples of what has been going on.

We decided to hold two “virtual” camps. We joined our staff along with some campers on Zoom and we tried to mimic our regular camp program. We showed a video and pictures from past camps of the traditional camp opening song and flag raising, had songs of worship, had a time of teaching and even an online game. There were former campers in attendance, a few youth groups, and even some campers from Austria. It was a far cry from the normal week-long time together, but somehow it lessened the disappointment of Covid’s effect on camps.

We have purchased two webcams to be used in ministry. Valerica, who heads up our teen ministry outreaches, is recording short messages which focus on Christ which youth can follow on Facebook. The other is for Adi, another camp staff member and pastor who has started a YouTube channel discussing theology and doctrine.

There were two youth leadership training seminars in town which we help sponsor financially. Normal youth rallies have not yet been possible however, and we look forward to the time to be able to continue these outreaches again. Now for the “consideration” part. We have been considering how the Lord would have us move forward in Romania ministry in spite of current conditions. There have been projects which we have given assistance to that we would like to ask you to join us in. Cristi, one of our Bible school graduates and counselor at camp, has been working with very poor families in depressed areas in southern Romania. He has identified, with the help of some pastors, families that are in great physical need of food and clothing. Tudi, our in-country administrator, has gathered shoes and used clothing from people in our area and then driven the 5 hours to where the villages are. Cristi has distributed supplies to about 200 families in 10 locations and has actively been evangelizing those he helps. He is involved in their lives and helps with a children’s ministry in the village of Gemeni. We would like for the Cross Foundation to help fund this program. If you click on the photo at the end of this newsletter, you can watch a short video of this great program!

Adi pastors a church that Romania Outreach Ministries (ROM) built. His church is helping start a church in a nearby village called Negoi where there is no evangelical church. The walls have been built and the roof is going up. They need funds for the church windows, doors and interior which the Cross Foundation would like to help with. We are still in limbo about whether even a small camp could take place at the conference center this summer. At this time, we are not planning to go this summer because of current Covid restrictions. Our role right now is to raise funds so that these programs which we have described can continue and so that there will be funds available when camp can take place again.

We want to extend our gratitude for your faithful support through prayer and finances. It is our hope that you will continue to join us in providing the support needed for these grass roots ministries to take place. Your support is greatly needed during these times. We have never been a huge organization, but we continue to be amazed at how the Lord multiples the loaves and the fishes to reach people in Romania. Those we work with need our support to be able to continue with these ministries. Tudi, our right hand administrator, is actively serving in the local church, maintains the properties and daily is called upon by people to serve in various ways.

Please pray for all of these ministries and for the churches all over Romania. Many pastors have been sick with Covid, some have died, church members continue to be affected. Please pray for Tudi, Valerica, and Adi as they reach out to church members, non-believers, and youth in all of the ways that they can possibly find.