Crossing borders through Zoom.

Different from a year ago.

Written by Nat and Sylvia Thomas

June 2020

Let’s see how proficient you are at guessing. What starts with the letter “C”, is powerful enough to cross seas, can change plans, but cannot stop the spread of the Gospel? You win (we assume you guessed right). Covid 19 has altered camp plans this year for Romania as it has all over the world. We have been keeping up with the regulations and the changes “C” has caused in Romania to see if we would be able to continue with the children’s and teen camp or not. American citizens were not able to enter Romania until this last week. We are now allowed to enter, but a 14-day quarantine is required, and this can change any time.

It will not be possible to hold camp for a number of logistical reasons, including close dormitory quarters which would not comply with a 6-foot distance per person, our dining area would not be sufficient for those distances, sports and games would not be possible, and our teaching meetings would also not be possible. This would have been our 20th year of camp ministry. It is disappointing to not have the concentrated time with youth which camp provides to build relationships and share the Lord. We have met with our staff via the internet program, Zoom, to discuss possible options. We have been praying for creative ideas to still be able to connect with youth. Without doubt, the spiritual need is there, but how to address it is another matter.

It is important to keep contact with those who have come to camp in the past, to encourage them in their spiritual walk with the Lord. So, we are planning to have 3 youth rallies, each in a different location in areas where more campers have come from. Our camp staff will lead and administrate the rallies which will include a speaker, a meal, and some sort of activities. Activities will depend on the governmental regulation changes in affect at the time of the rally. We are not sure yet if the numbers in attendance will need to be regulated or not.

One will be held at the camp conference grounds in the village of Rusca; one at a church ROM planted in southern Romania in Rast; and one will be in south/central Romania in the village of Bircii. We also will be having a 2-day staff family retreat at the camp before beginning the rallies. These will all be taking place in August. The staff retreat will be during the first week of August, followed by the first rally on that Saturday at the camp. The next Saturday will be a rally in Rast, and the following Saturday the rally will be in Bircii. Please be remembering to pray for all of the details involved with the success of these events. Most importantly, that people will turn to the Lord, grow in their walk, and be encouraged.

Financially, we continue to need support even though the regular camp season will not be possible. We praise the Lord for funds that were raised to purchase a newer van for the camp. This will be used this summer for the ministry. The youth rallies have costs for food, transportation, possibly also for speakers. The staff retreat will also have costs associated with it. The camp dormitory project is not complete, and work will continue on this in preparation for camp next year. Tudi has been working on insulating the walls of the boys dormitory. And, during the rest of the year we continue to support other youth rallies, sports, and music events.

We also are supporting the ministry of one of our staff, Cristi Bistriceanu. He is involved with helping extremely poor people in villages in southern Romania. Financial hardship in these areas due to limited or no employment has been very difficult for many families. Cristi has been able to bring food, clothing, and share the Lord with these people. If you want to help that program specifically, please designate that on your gift. Otherwise, financial gifts go to the camp program and facilities.

It is our hope that you will continue to support the camp ministry, Tabara Adapostul, as we work toward doing all that the Lord enables during this Covid 19 time. Please pray that the Lord uses these unsettling times to draw people to acceptance of Christ as Savior. He alone is the answer that the world needs. Let’s pray that we can have camps again next year!

With thanks and blessings,

Nat and Sylvia Thomas